Thursday, June 13, 2019

Human Resource Management---How might organizational culture be Essay

Human Resource Management---How might systemal culture be related to the capriole satisfaction of the employees - Essay congressmanWilton (2011) defines organization culture as knowledge and standards that have been combined together by employees in understanding the environment of the organization (Wilton, 2011). The founder of Wal-Mart Sam Walton showed concerns and esteem its staff members since the beginning of the play along which developed an air of trust which persists to the current day. The founder used to call staff with their first name and encouraged them to coiffure better which developed trust. Southwest Airlines is known for its relaxed culture which encourages informality at work. Employees are motivated to help each other which reduced the disturbance ramble of the company as compared to the industry average. This culture was influenced by unconventional CEO Herb Kelleher (McIntosh & Doherty, 2010). Similarly, Virgin Airways culture allows every single perso n to participate in coming up with innovative ideas for the company. Microsoft considers its employees their assets and they try to make innovations in compensation packages to make their employees satisfied. Toyota is another example that has highest job satisfaction rate recorded because it applies to the mathematical function of implementing employee morale surveys in a certain period of time (Gilmore & Williams, 2009). These organization cultures are related to job satisfaction of employees which has made these companies successful over the years. A satisfied employee is able to bring revolution inside a company which can transform it into better ways (McIntosh & Doherty, 2010). The people who govern the organization, provides rules and regulations to maintain respectable behavior inside organizations for the perspective of controlling the act of employees. However, too many rules and strict policies can have a negative impact on the satisfaction level of employees and would u ltimately result in lower productivity (Sempane et al., 2002). In case of Southwest Airlines, the casualness of a culture provided the company to reduce turnover rate. Similar with the case of Toyota which performed employee surveys to check their satisfaction rate and make changes accordingly in organization culture. The company monitors the morale rate and find out reasons for employee dissatisfaction and makes changes (Swart et al., 2005). The company that has supportive environment and supervisors run away to support friendly mentoring of their subordinates then it would lead a better career development and would help in decreasing turnover rate (Knights & Hugh, 2007). The culture of organization and their working styles highly impact the performance of employees. A motivated employee who is highly compensated for better performance and is being provided with rewards, tend to have high morale and they strive to exceed expectations for higher growth (Egan et al., 2004). Walters (2010) describes that productivity of an employee is directly proportional to incentives that are provided by the company (Walters & Walters, 2010). The culture of an organization determines policies to handle employees compensation packages and treatment of employees over their performance (Roos & Eeden, 2008). A company that tends to provide various facilities, attractive packages and fair treatment, are bound to increase job satisfaction. (Greene, 2011). Microsoft introduced a culture of providing good compensation packages for employees which made them satisfied (Herzberg, 2003). Organizational culture is deeply embedded in the organization and it is how

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